The fifth generation (5G) of cellular networks may be put into commercial use as early as 2020, according to a regulatory bodys roadmap and the business plans of several companies.根据监管部门的规划和几家企业的经营方案,第5代(5G)蜂窝网络有可能最先于2020年投放商用。Insiders from IMT-2020 (5G) promotion group said second-phase testing will be launched in 2017.来自IMT-2020(5G)前进组的知情人士称之为,5G第二阶段测试将于2017年积极开展。Authoritative insiders also disclosed that 5Gs experimental stage will last three years, from 2016 to 2018.官方知情人士也透漏,2016年至2018年,5G测试阶段将持续3年。
The construction of a 5G network will begin in 2019, with a total budget of 500 billion yuan.2019年将启动5G网络建设,总预算为5000亿元。Huang Yuhong, deputy head of China Mobiles research institute, said that the three biggest telecom operators in China will cooperate with equipment manufacturers for testing, adding that the first standard for 5G will be announced in 2018.中国移动研究院副院长黄宇红回应,我国三大电信运营商将与设备制造商合作积极开展测试,首个5G标准将于2018年发布。
Industry analysts believe that the commercialization of a 5G network will not only bolster the telecom industry, but will also drive other emerging sectors, such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence and more.业内分析人士指出,5G网络商用不仅将增进电信产业发展,还将增进大数据、云计算、人工智能等其他新兴领域的发展。Currently, 42 domestic companies are working with the 5G Joint Innovation Center, researching the development of Internet of Things, car networking, industrial Internet and other areas.目前,42家国内公司正在与5g牵头创意中心合作,联合研发互联网产物发展、车载网络、工业网络等领域。
Some projects have reportedly entered the commercial operation phase, ready to be tested and promoted in the future.据报导,有些项目已转入商业化实行阶段,旋即之后将被测试和推展。In addition to Chinese firms, foreign telecom firms including Qualcomm, Ericsson and Nokia are likely to be among the first companies to launch large-scale commercial use of 5G services.除了中国公司外,外国科技通信公司还包括高通、爱立信和诺基亚,都将有可能沦为为第一批公布大规模5G服务商业用于的公司。
Media reports note that those firms have certain advantages in specific 5G applications, such as car networking, drones and smart homes.媒体报道认为,这些公司在类似的5G应用于,例如车联网、无人机以及智能家居中,具备显著的优势。